Half rectified high twist varnished beef gut, 180cm length.
By special order. Please inquire.
Violone in D, a string
Out of Stock
Half rectified high twist varnished beef gut, 180cm length.
Aquila Corde uses a logical system of numbering gauges; they are the metric diameter, while leaving off the decimal point.
For example, a 60 gut string is 0.60mm in diameter, within a tolerance of 0.01mm.
For players who are currently using strings that use the numbering method used by Pirastro, Dlugolecki, and perhaps some other makers, multiply that gauge number by 5 to determine the metric gauge.
Therefore, a 12 in their numbering system is a 60 in the metric system. (5x12=60)
If you have any questions about this, please contact us.